Well, today's the last day of the year. Next week will be busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger. That's enough about work, though!
Yesterday, I was able to walk downstairs at P.T. I guess my brain forgot how to do it. I was trying to bend my right (injured) leg enough to get my left foot flat on the next step before I lifted it. Surprise! You're supposed to step down and trust that your right leg will release and let you hop down. Last year, I never could have imagined that my body could forget how to do things in just a few months.
Crazedmom of three should be home today. They've been camping on the coast. I keep checking the weather and it has rained steadily at their location. I sure hope they had a good time. Ol Hosstail Snake is also back. Qwest has a lot to answer for when the rest of us don't get our daily dose of Gene.
Mom goes home Wednesday. I hate to see her go back into the ice and snow but the rest of the family is there and she has to take care of some medicare stuff. She has started eating too many carbs at my house and that concerns me a bit but she has had diabetes for five years now and kept it well in check, so I leave it up to her. There's nothing worse than people treating you like an idiot just because you're aging.
The kids are coming over for New Year's. Last year, my husband and I had our own party. I inherited some really old homemade records. Most of them were from 1949. Some were earlier because there was one of my Uncle Harvey singing and he died in 1945 or 1947. I bought my husband a turntable and we spent the night drinking wine and recording. The quality was very poor because the records were so damaged but for this Christmas, we were able to give my Mom a copy. There was her and Dad singing (with Dad playing the guitar), her and Aunt Anna (her closest sister) and the finale was Uncle Harvey. She was very pleased and I expect there will be a big clamor from back home for some copies. Actually, I was present in the January 1949 because I was born in July. Pretty cool, Huh?
I still miss my Dad. He was so loving. He was crabby and not always kind but he sure loved us and we knew it. Some of my favorite memories are of harmonizing with him when our band played at family functions.
Anyway, time to go. Talk to you later.