That's a good title for someone who can't think of anything to say. Actually, I can think of a lot more stuff when things aren't going well so I guess that's not a bad thing, right?
My husband's club had a dance last Saturday. It's a men's club but one night a year they invite the "widders". For some reason, it wasn't a success and only about 49 of the expected 200 showed up. The dinner was great but-Oh My God-the music!
They hired one of their guys to play music (he's supposedly a DJ). He never announced a song or spoke a word. There was no one under forty there and most of us were in our fifties. I would have thought after an hour or so that he would have realized that nobody was dancing when he played hiphop music and omitted playing anymore of it for the evening.
Needless to say, the party was supposed to last until midnight and the place was cleared out by 10:45 p.m. Maybe that was his intention. I hope they prorated the amount they paid him by the hours he had to work(sic).
The other teeny problem was no dessert. For me, this is a cardinal sin. I don't care how scrumptious the chow is, I need my sugar hit!
Maybe next year, they ought to let the "Widders" plan it for them.
They will never let the widders plan it.
That would involve giving up some control. :)
very interesting... maybe you would be interested in ( ). Anyways you blog is nice, well done.
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