Thursday, June 29, 2006


I can't think of my own ideas so I'm stealing from my daughter today. Here goes:

Dear Fabric Store Young Man:

I just wanted you to know that I will always remember you. The last time I saw you (store now closed), I was only 43 and in good shape. I had, however, been sick with the flu. You ruined my day (and maybe a few more). You didn't look closely at me when I went to pay for my material and I will never forget being asked if I want the Senior discount. I really hope the same thing happens to you some day.

Dear 99cent Store Employee:

I really appreciated the fact that you have such a wonderful social life that you wanted to make sure all your customers heard about it by you turning around, not running your scanner and spending five minutes at a time chatting with your coworker. The fact that it was Friday night and the end of a long week of work for me might have had something to do with my mood. The long line of other customers behind me might have all been in a bad mood also just coincidentally.

I'm sure you will appreciate the fact that you had the honor of being the first salesperson (in 56 years) that I have ever been rude to. The thing I guess doesn't really make sense is that if I was being so rude when I asked you to please stop talking and get me checked through, was the clapping and cheering from every customer in the line behind me.

P.S. I guess you didn't work out for the store. I haven't seen you one time since.


At 2:39 PM, Blogger Caro said...

Rude clerks make life so fun, don't they?

At 4:06 AM, Blogger Crazedmomof4 said...

That is funny. I hated when a 14 year old mistaked me for my SIL's mother when I was about 22 & she was about 14 too!

I hate it when sales clerks are more involved in talking to their friends then doing their job. It must be nice to get paid to talk to your friends as angry customers leave the store.

I loved Carolyn's letters & yours. I'll have the steal the idea one day. I have mentally wrote letters like this before.


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