Wednesday, May 10, 2006


My youngest daughter has a wonderful sense of humor. I can't understand where she got it. Her father was about as hilarious as a dead puppy.

When I go to post a blog, I'm going "Now let me see-What can I say to entertain people?". The answer is nothing. I must be the world's most boring human being.

Our pool is back up and running. That means that we actually get company now. My grandsons close by have been over twice in a week. We only have one grandchild left who can't swim now. He is three and doesn't live close enough to drop over.

The pool isn't warm enough for me yet. I can't stand the "Booby Shock" when it's under 85. My husband hasn't been in yet. I guess he's judging the pool temp from my son-in-law's Bull Moose hollering on Sunday. I don't know how it feels when testes hit cold water but it must be at least as bad as boody shock. My oldest granddaughter now knows the booby shock. She has really grown up. She started swimming when she could only say "Poo, Wawin, Me" (Pool, Waterwings). One day when we had a marguerita party, she was actually in so much, she was ill that evening.

We have a great snap of her in the hot tub with us at three years old. She always wanted a stawberry marguerita (boozefree for her) when we have one. It is Christmas and we are in the hot tub toasting our family back home with Margueritas. I couldn't wait to send that Christmas picture. My Little Brother's only comment was "You Bitch". He loves me, of course, and it was all in fun.

Well, anyway, that's all for now.


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Caro said...

I thought the dead puppy comment was pretty funny.

Neither of my two youngest can swim.


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