Monday, September 11, 2006


My youngest grandson is wonderful. He is loving, bright and funny. He loves lights, fans, clocks and anything that makes noise. He also has PDD (a mild form of autism). There is a wonderful article about this in the August Reader's Digest.

I read that many countries had banned thimerosal (a mercury-containing preservative in innoculations) many years before the U.S. did. If it is found that this is the cause of PDD, shame on our government and on the drug companies. The government and the drug companies should have to pay for the teaching of our children and pledge a lifelong committment to provide them with what they need for the rest of their lives. It is truly sickening to me that this practice was allowed to continue.

Our baby is luckier than many. His case is relatively mild. He has a Mom who recognized something was wrong quite early and she spends the time she needs to ensuring that he stays on a gluten free, casein free diet. It is very difficult to make everything tasty but she does a great job.


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