Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Two weeks ago, I thought I had an eye infection and started using antibiotic drops in both eyes. My eyes seemed better on weekends but during the week, they got continually worse. I have an appointment at the opthamologist tomorrow so I thought I could stick it out.

Yesterday, both eyes were so bloodshot that I looked albino and they were almost buttoned shut. Needless to say, I decided not to wait until tomorrow. Guess what the optometrist said? "Are you using any new makeup?" Duh!

I'm now using a steroid in my eyes that he prescribed and my eyes are almost normal in one day.

Has anyone but me ever done anything this stupid?

Wouldn't you think it would have occured to MOI that the fact my eyes were better on the weekend would have told me something? I've never had allergies to anything before and it didn't occur to me that this could be it. Apparently, I never had an eye infection to begin with.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Does anyone but me have a problem with these blogging accounts? About half the time, I can't get back on here. I know I am not stupid!

Not much is going on. I have been sewing for my long distance grandkids.
I finished 2 outfits for the girl and ordered some embroidered motorcyle patches on line ( for his two new outfits from the store) for the boy (He is nuts about motorcyles).

The motorcyle patches company MJ Trim (online) made me truly angry. I ordered on 4-23-07 and paid for three days shipping. They were sent on 4-30. I asked them for a credit on the postage. We will see how that goes.
The worst thing is, they were finally delivered on May 3rd. The UPS man apparently put them on the cement inside the breezeway and my dog thought they were dinner. Luckily, I guess he didn't like the taste so none of them were ruined. I will be washing the things before I send them up so no harm was done.

I would love to see the little one's face when he sees the motorcyle clothing.

Anyway, nothing is new or exciting here so I'm signing off.