Friday, October 12, 2007


My Mom flew out to visit me for a couple of months. She is 78 but she tries to take care of me. While I am at work, she makes the beds, gathers walnuts, keeps the dog fed and keeps the house picked up. It really helps me (I don't want her to overdo, though) but the other thing is, it helps her.
Us Moms need to be needed.

I, too, like to do whatever I can for my daughters. Once they get through the teenage years and you become friends again, there is nothing more rewarding than to give them a little help whether it's just a little bit financial, doing a pan of dishes or providing a night of babysitting. I always hope that they know how much their Dad and I love them and realize that if we can help ease their hardships, it's a lot easier on our hearts.

I've had people tell me that when their kids turn 18 that they will be so happy that they don't have to worry about them anymore. Some of those friends have already had to eat their words. How can you stop worrying and caring about your children because they reach a certain age? Once they are adults and have families of their own, there is so much more to worry about. Some people think that men don't worry so much. That is a fallacy. My husband hurts when our girls hurt and when our grandchildren hurt.

Life is not a bowl of cherries. Life is a struggle but there are huge rewards: graduations with honors, that basket made from the other end of the court, the rare, perfect smile of happiness from a little one, weddings and births. As a parent you appreciate your infants but not nearly in the way a grandparent can appreciate clutching a little one to themselves in a rocking chair and knowing how precious and fleeting this time is. I would hope that at the end of my life, I can know I tried my hardest and know that my family will remember me with love. Is

Anyway, that's how I'm feeling today. It might bore someone else but I guess I need to remind myself today what is important


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