Friday, December 09, 2005


When I lived in Maine, the highlight of the season was Christmas jokes. My family probably spent more time on those kind of presents than the real kind. Some of them were pretty elaborate.

This year, we've planned a few on Hubby. He wanted a CDG tape of Keith Urban so he could sing along. What I'm wrapping up is some I ordered with really old country music (my favorites so I can have them). Mom bought the one he wanted and is putting it in his stocking (which he opens last).

I think I need to go to the dollar store so I can find more stuff. One year I wrapped up a rubber chicken for my son-in-law. One year I wrapped up a donut that was a month old before Hubby unwrapped it (he pissed and moaned because we didn't buy him a donut when we all had one.)

Anyway, I'll keep you all posted if I come up with any really great stuff. That's what memories are made of.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Nothing says "Christmas" like a fart-maker.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Caro said...

Hey, I want a fart-maker.


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