Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Little Man

Not a lot to say or much time to say it. I just wanted to wish my youngest grandson a Happy Birthday. I am thinking of you.

Still have my nose to the grindstone. I'm so tired I can barely stand up. I got my feet tangled today and took a header at work. My leg is fine but banged up my arm. Oh, Well!

This is sure a cheery little talk.

Ta! Ta!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'm here but I don't have much time.

The cruise was pretty decent but it sure seems like Carnival is trying to cut down on their help. Dinners were so, so. Our waiter was excellent but usually he has a few minutes to talk with you. This time he didn't. I watched and he and the busboy were running steadily.

This is the most kids I've ever seen on a cruise. The weather was quite cool so they couldn't spend time in the pool. That is usually such a fun experience to watch them. Because it was so cool, there was no music on top deck after the first day.

We went in the glass-bottomed boat at Catalina. I have this to say "If you've seen one blue carp, you've seen them all.

We went to LaBufadoro (Blow Hole) in Ensenada. There are only three in the world. Unfortunately, the walkway to see it is built almost over the blow hole itself. You can see the spray come up, but to see the blow hole, you have to lean way out over a four foot stone fence.
I'll look it up on the net. I bet I get a better view.

The best thing happened, though. We had two other couples at our dining table and they were both great. One couple was from Vancouver-he's a commercial fisherman. They other couple was from Pennsylvania-she's a service rep for Blue Cross. I couldn't hear what he did. Anyway, they were all fun. We exchanged numbers and email addresses. I hope they liked us as much as we did them.

The worst part of the cruise is that my husband wanted to go to Karaoke every night. I sat through the first two nights (my husband can sing, but he only got up twice an evening). Once, we got past Valentine's Day, he was on his own. Everyone deserves a hand for getting up. If they want to make a joke out of it, then it's okay to laugh. It's gets old when they are on their third of fourth song and are deadly serious. Wouldn't it be more kind to holler out "You Suck!" before you have to watch them embarrass themselves on the American Idol tryouts next year. Of course, that's my favorite part of American Idol. I kind of lose interest after that.

When I was a kid and would sing, my folks would tell me "that was awful", "you are not a soprano", "kind of flat", etc. I turned out to be an average singer with no illusions about my abilities.

Anyway, Ta Ta for now.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Yesterday, I deleted my cookies. Duh! Do you know how much work it is to recover your own blog? Of course you don't, nobody else is that stupid.

I typed out a big old long comment on my daughter's blog then couldn't post it.

I got a hair cut last night. It is a little shorter than I normally wear it. The lady who cut it was about my age and knew what she was doing. It actually looks great. It's about the only haircut I have ever been pleased with. My husband actually told me that my hair looked great and believe me, he very seldom comments on my hair!

Anyway, I'm getting to work. As of Monday, I have a week's vacation. Happy Day! I'll actually have something to blog about!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, it looks like I may be cruising in the nude next week. I'd like to say it's because I can't yet determine what the weather may be but the truth is work is a bitch right now and I just can't seem to get off my lazy ass at home and get packed. I do have everyone ready and washed to choose from and a list ready. On the top of my list is to find a good beautician and get my hair cut. I have problem hair. It is fine and thin. I go in and point at a picture fully expecting my finished product to look the same. It never does! Once you let a beautician pick up a pair of scissors, you are at their mercy and you wind up with whatever to hell they feel like doing. I am doubly handicapped because I have to take off my glasses and can't see what they are doing!

Anyway, I can just picture everyone running from the dinner table when I show up with no clothes and a G.I. haircut. Ditto the hot tub and swimming pool. My luck would be one ancient old fart would think I look good and I wouldn't be able to get rid of him. If he is a cazillionaire, that might be okay. I'll have to ask Hubby.

Oh, and Hubby is salivating because he saw me washing up all my nice lingerie. He is thinking sex-I can tell. One of the reasons I love him is that he still desires my old, fat, sagging body. Maybe he makes believe I am someone else. Who knows?

All I really want is to not get off the ship. I want to lay on deck and read all day with my chair close to the buffet so I can eat all day, also. Hubby is already looking at the shore tours and I must admit, I am using the old crippled leg bit so that I don't have to do anything at all. I just want to rest. We'll probably compromise (which means I will feel guilty and make believe I want to do whatever he wants).

Well, talk to you all later.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ol Hoss blogged about Hillary yesterday. Now, I stood up for that Old Girl when she was trying to work up a health insurance program. I didn't like the jokes about her aggessiveness (I had a boss for 24 years who was the old school chauvinist as far as where women belong).

I liked her ambition. I liked her right up until she didn't divorce Bill. Bill is a really smart man. I can't figure out why, when he was being grilled about Monica Lewinsky that he just didn't say that it was nobody's business. It really wasn't any of the public's business. But, the idiot had to tell us that it was not true, thereby, making a big old liar out of himself.

As for the other participants in this huge scandal, who gives a rat's ass? Why do we let our government spend money on an investigation on whether or not we have a president who can't keep his pecker in his pants? We have had plenty of those kinds of presidents. Does anyone remember Thomas Jefferson or John F. Kennedy? Who cares? I just want them to do the best job they can for the people they work for (us). Let's spend our money to find out who defrauds the government and takes bribes and grafts (probably most of them).

Anyway, I wouldn't vote for Hillary or read either her's or Bill's book. I prefer non-fiction.

Friday, February 03, 2006


You probably think from the title that I am talking about morality. WRONG! I am talking about the fact that I started trying on clothes for the cruise last night and those seem to be the only colored clothes hanging in my closet. I have several different styles of black slacks in three different sizes (YoYo affect) and most of my shirts are black or white with the occasional red thrown in. I guess I didn't even realize that my warddrobe is so drab. I must be pretty conservative.

I did see one really interesting item. I have two identical skirts in the same size (black, of course). I guess I'll be giving one of them to my oldest daughter. A person can always use a black skirt, right?

I actually know how I did this. I stockpile on items that are a good buy just like I do on groceries. If I find a sale on blazers really cheap (last time was $10.00), I buy one in each color for me and also buy my girls or my Mom one or two. I can't seem to help myself.

I also stockpile groceries. I could probably cook for six months without going to the store-ditto on what I store at our mountain cabin. Up there, in addition to powdered milk and evaporated milk, I also keep powdered eggs. You can't eat them by themselves but they work great for cooking. I would keep Danish canned bacon up there but for some reason, they stopped making it.

I like to be self-sufficient but even I realize that I go too far. (Are you reading this, Girls?)
In addition to stockpiling, I also sometimes forget that I already replaced something (such as the three cans of Crisco I noticed in my pantry). Oh well, at least I am never forced into a run to the grocery store. (My big plan is if we have some kind of disaster, all the kids and grandkids are supposed to grab what food and clothes they can and get to the cabin. Hubby and I will do the same. I have a treadle sewing machine and a butter churn up there and am planning to take up a bunch of canning jars. There are plenty of wild cows and I have a drawer full of vegetable seeds. Now you really think I am nuts.)

When I moved here from Maine, I gave away all my patterns never thinking about the fact I would have granddaughters in about ten years. The patterns today are crap. Seams aren't finished and all the shortcuts make a poor looking garment. I bet you've already guessed, though, that I already have another hundred or so patterns. My friend, B, gave me her Mom's patterns when her Mom passed away. The rest I have bought. I have three or four hundred yards of cloth just sitting there waiting to be sewed. One of these days, I will get to it.

My oldest daughter is slightly compulsive and obsessive. I guess the acorn didn't fall too far from the tree.