I'm here but I don't have much time.
The cruise was pretty decent but it sure seems like Carnival is trying to cut down on their help. Dinners were so, so. Our waiter was excellent but usually he has a few minutes to talk with you. This time he didn't. I watched and he and the busboy were running steadily.
This is the most kids I've ever seen on a cruise. The weather was quite cool so they couldn't spend time in the pool. That is usually such a fun experience to watch them. Because it was so cool, there was no music on top deck after the first day.
We went in the glass-bottomed boat at Catalina. I have this to say "If you've seen one blue carp, you've seen them all.
We went to LaBufadoro (Blow Hole) in Ensenada. There are only three in the world. Unfortunately, the walkway to see it is built almost over the blow hole itself. You can see the spray come up, but to see the blow hole, you have to lean way out over a four foot stone fence.
I'll look it up on the net. I bet I get a better view.
The best thing happened, though. We had two other couples at our dining table and they were both great. One couple was from Vancouver-he's a commercial fisherman. They other couple was from Pennsylvania-she's a service rep for Blue Cross. I couldn't hear what he did. Anyway, they were all fun. We exchanged numbers and email addresses. I hope they liked us as much as we did them.
The worst part of the cruise is that my husband wanted to go to Karaoke every night. I sat through the first two nights (my husband can sing, but he only got up twice an evening). Once, we got past Valentine's Day, he was on his own. Everyone deserves a hand for getting up. If they want to make a joke out of it, then it's okay to laugh. It's gets old when they are on their third of fourth song and are deadly serious. Wouldn't it be more kind to holler out "You Suck!" before you have to watch them embarrass themselves on the American Idol tryouts next year. Of course, that's my favorite part of American Idol. I kind of lose interest after that.
When I was a kid and would sing, my folks would tell me "that was awful", "you are not a soprano", "kind of flat", etc. I turned out to be an average singer with no illusions about my abilities.
Anyway, Ta Ta for now.
Boy your folks sure knew how to build up the old self-esteem.
Finally! Somebody has been to a place I have been, Bufadora. You know all those little tents where they sell souvenirs? My wife was looking at some rugs and came across a six-shooter with an 8-inch barrel. We moseyed on down the street....
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