Monday, January 16, 2006


I spent all day Sunday in the kitchen. It was just like old times as my favorite thing is to bake. I wanted to have my own bakery or be a history teacher. I wound up as a bookkeeper because I am good at it but it never was my first choice.

My younger daughter did a southern dinner in honor of Martin Luther King yesterday. I had my older daughter and her kids over for dinner and I wish I had told them we were honoring Dr. King. He was a great man.

I'm going to my LA doctor on Friday. At least my husband and I get to spend the day together and eat out. That's always fun. I'm going to surprise him and sit in front all the way down. In previous trips, I have had to lay on the back seat to keep my leg elevated. I bet he's tired of looking like my chauffer. He does love to drive and says he would have liked to be a truck driver. What a waste that would have been. He's a Nurse Practioner and his compassion for his patients is astounding.

Anyway, I can't think of a damn thing funny this morning so I'll talk to you later.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, Baker, I happen to think that having a Southern dinner is awfully funny. See, that means you had grits, and it was probably really funny seeing the faces everybody made.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Caro said...

Hey, I like grits. Taste like Cream of Wheat to me. Add a bit of sugar and some milk. MMMMMM.


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