Monday, January 23, 2006


It's time to start assembling our wardrobes for our cruise. One time we went in February and were able to hang out at the pool. Another time we were outrunning a hurricane and it was so blustery no one wanted to be topside. I hate taking clothes I don't need.

My problem this time is dress up night. I really can't wear anything but my New Balance tennis shoes right now. I sent for a pair on Hush Puppy flats. They didn't look too bad on line but Oh My God! They look like something my Grandma would have worn.

I have always loved to wear heels when I dress up. I can imagine, though, trying to walk in them, the deck pitches a bit, and there I am-hurt and embarrassed. Why do we always get embarrassed when we fall down. How many times have all of us hit the dust and the first thing we do is look around to see if anyone noticed? This is a strange reaction, isn't it?

Well, anyway, I pulled out a bunch of crap out of the closet and tonight is try on night. A lot of my stuff is different sizes so who knows what will fit? Come to think of it, why the hell do I care? I'm 56 years old. I should be enjoying my Too God Damn Old to care about what other people think age. Don't you agree?

Talk to you later.


At 10:05 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Damn right, Baker, damn right.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Caro said...

I think it is time for a purple dress and a red hat.


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