Friday, February 03, 2006


You probably think from the title that I am talking about morality. WRONG! I am talking about the fact that I started trying on clothes for the cruise last night and those seem to be the only colored clothes hanging in my closet. I have several different styles of black slacks in three different sizes (YoYo affect) and most of my shirts are black or white with the occasional red thrown in. I guess I didn't even realize that my warddrobe is so drab. I must be pretty conservative.

I did see one really interesting item. I have two identical skirts in the same size (black, of course). I guess I'll be giving one of them to my oldest daughter. A person can always use a black skirt, right?

I actually know how I did this. I stockpile on items that are a good buy just like I do on groceries. If I find a sale on blazers really cheap (last time was $10.00), I buy one in each color for me and also buy my girls or my Mom one or two. I can't seem to help myself.

I also stockpile groceries. I could probably cook for six months without going to the store-ditto on what I store at our mountain cabin. Up there, in addition to powdered milk and evaporated milk, I also keep powdered eggs. You can't eat them by themselves but they work great for cooking. I would keep Danish canned bacon up there but for some reason, they stopped making it.

I like to be self-sufficient but even I realize that I go too far. (Are you reading this, Girls?)
In addition to stockpiling, I also sometimes forget that I already replaced something (such as the three cans of Crisco I noticed in my pantry). Oh well, at least I am never forced into a run to the grocery store. (My big plan is if we have some kind of disaster, all the kids and grandkids are supposed to grab what food and clothes they can and get to the cabin. Hubby and I will do the same. I have a treadle sewing machine and a butter churn up there and am planning to take up a bunch of canning jars. There are plenty of wild cows and I have a drawer full of vegetable seeds. Now you really think I am nuts.)

When I moved here from Maine, I gave away all my patterns never thinking about the fact I would have granddaughters in about ten years. The patterns today are crap. Seams aren't finished and all the shortcuts make a poor looking garment. I bet you've already guessed, though, that I already have another hundred or so patterns. My friend, B, gave me her Mom's patterns when her Mom passed away. The rest I have bought. I have three or four hundred yards of cloth just sitting there waiting to be sewed. One of these days, I will get to it.

My oldest daughter is slightly compulsive and obsessive. I guess the acorn didn't fall too far from the tree.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Caro said...

I don't think you're nuts. I KNOW you're nuts. hee hee

At 10:46 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

My wife and her late sister both were seamstresses. They had this saying: "Whoever finishes with the most yardage, wins!" You might be in the running.


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