Well, this has been one of the most stressful weeks of work I've ever had. I always go to bed around midnight. I usually can't sleep any earlier than that. Last night I was out at 9:30 and I feel pretty spiffy today.
Today will have a really happy ending. My friend and I are going to our local Indian/resort casino for the weekend. I would like to win but that's not the main goal: I am getting the hell out of Dodge and I will be with "B" who is the second funniest person I've ever known (My youngest daughter, crazedmomof5, takes the number one place).
My friend and I have had quite some experiences on our weekends together. There's the time my Mom caught my purse on fire, the time we had to change a tire and nobody stopped and one time when we took her mother-in-law and my Mom. That one was a real hoot (not)! We spent a lot of time in our room waiting for her MIL to get done primping. She had a total beauty regimen which she explained in detail and demonstrated (maybe Jaffra or whoever would have paid her a commission if they'd only known), had to match her socks and had to model in front of us to make sure her jewelry and the rest of her ensemble matched. This from a woman who wears real jewelry, buys expensive cosmetics but gets her clothes from Mervyn's and Walmart just like the rest of us. Who gives a shit what you look like in a casino as long as you don't stink?
Of course, my friend and I put in a late night before we went home. We woke up and it was almost time to check out. The MIL was in hogging the bathroom. I simply put on yesterdays clothes and ran a pick through my hair and packed. Poof! Ready to Go! The MIL's comment? Aren't you even going to comb your hair? I simply replied that I already did and kept on going. She's not a bad person-just clueless! She's also one of those really helpless type females.
Well, back to work.