The weekend was great. The set of kids who live close enough came over for Father's Day. This is my oldest daughter's family and she always makes a big deal out of cooking Hubby tacos for Father's Day. He told her it's the first time he's had them since last Father's Day but that's not true. I'm sure she made them for him at New Year's Time. This year she even made flan which he loved and I haven't tasted because I hate custard and it looks like custard to me!
I would rather cook Thanksgiving dinner than Tacos. I don't know why but I can make more of a mess making those things than anything else I cook. You dice and chop for hours, dirty fifty dishes and cover the stove with grease. I actually specialize in good cooking with very few dishes. I can make bread using one bowl. I can make a casserole using just my cast iron skillet. Taco mess cannot be reduced.
Hubby got three or four presents but his favorite was a card given to him by the oldest grandson. He had a project at school last year and part of that project was writing up two or three people who had the greatest effect on his life. Grandpa was the first one he did. He began by saying how much Pop loved fart jokes and that his favorite present ever was the fart machine. He then went on to tell about Pop trying to teach him to say "Booger" for his first word (I bet the Teacher enjoyed those parts). But finally at the end of the page he said that his grandpa was the kindest person he knew and that he helped everyone.
We watched Hubby as he read. At first he looked kind of apolectic to think that his fart and booger stuff had been read by strangers. When he got to the end, though, he couldn't talk for a minute. I guess things like that card are what make you know that your memory will live on and that is all that's really important about our lives.
Anyway, after the present unwrapping, my daughter cleaned the kitchen and we all went for a swim. We offset the day by making big pans of popcorn balls requested by the youngest grandson. It was quite a day.
Tomorrow, we leave for San Diego for my husband's military reunion. This will be the first time he's gone and he hasn't seen most of these people for darn near forty years. I am worried about what to wear and he said don't worry. These people are all old and fat and bald just like us (I'm not bald). As my brother used to say I resemble that remark.
I had to call the hotel to see if there was a banquet or anything. That's what happen when guys organize everthing. They always think that everything will just kind of fall together. I talked to the lady who is head of the catering department at the hotel. She told me about the banquet and that it is dressy. I pity the poor wife who is going for the first time who shows up in daytime clothes because she didn't know. I'm taking lots of books and plan on spending a lot of time in the room so Hubby can have lots of time to visit. He's not one of those who stresses about Vietnam. He is one of the lucky ones who was able to move on. Still, I think that while the conversations may not always be enjoyable to him, it will be good for him to talk to others who were there and understand. Those of us who have never had to lay our lives on the line can try but we will never actually know what our soldiers go through on foreign shores.
Anyway, I need to get to work. See you later.