Friday, November 04, 2005


I never can seem to come up with great Blogging ideas! This morning, I read Ol Hoss and he really has a hot one today. He has invented a bed with a toilet plus it cleans you up and all the food you want is near at hand. I want one!

My daughter has three children which gives her plenty of funny stuff to blog about. She's always had a keen sense of humor and sees funny things where the rest of us do not.

What do I have to blog about? My dog, Buddy, and cracking walnuts. Whoopie! I'm sure that will keep everybody spellbound. I could take about breaking my leg some more but even I am sick of that old chestnut!

My Mom is coming to visit on November 14th until January 4th. I cannot believe how much we had to pay for a plane ticket this year. Talk about highway robbery!

Mom has asthma and COPD. Buddy just got out of the vet's again. Because he has been sick and his hind quarters are shaved, Hubby thinks he should sleep inside. We will keep him confined to the kitchen but I still don't think it's a good idea. I think maybe we'll rig up some kind of safe heater so he can sleep in the garage.

My daughter who gave us Buddy feels terrible. He has become a very valuable dog because of all the investing we have done at the vet's office. I have never been attached to an animal before but Buddy is like us. He's getting older (he's 10) and he's having health problems. We've had him for four years now and he has brought us a lot of joy. So money be damned! He's part of the family and unless he is suffering terribly, we will keep him alive just as long as we can.

By the way, Ol Hoss, this is a depressed area. Divide your estimate of my earnings by 3 and you will approximate what I earn after twenty-four years. This is a farming community and we are a grower owned co-op. Most of our growers are not huge and they don't earn a lot of money as you mentioned in your blog. The nice thing is that we are all in this together and it's like one big family.

I have a great new exercise. I get to kick an exercise ball. The first time I did it at PT was so much fun! Even though I appreciate all they do for me, I didn't realize that I kind of resent being hurt so much. I kicked so hard, I had Steve running all over that damn place. He got to be the sweaty, out of breath guy. My husband is going to start throwing it for me at home. I can hardly wait! It is a lot better than knee bends and lunges!

I used to play softball in grammar school. I always had to play a base, though, because I throw like a girl and couldn't get it there from the outfield. I could run like the wind, though. That came in mighty handy when I was married to the drunk.

I just realized that I was right! I really didn't have anything to blog about and I've put in a lot of monotous crap. Oh well, that's me! Ms. Boring!


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Caro said...

What is COPD? I feel like an idiot. I LOVE those exercise balls. I might get SJ one for Xmas so we can share.

At 6:49 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, I for one would like to know more about that co-op -- what you grow/raise/make, how you market your stuff, and something about the members, for better or worse. See, lots to blog about.


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