Tuesday, November 01, 2005


We live in the country. The field behind us used to be grape vineyards. They were pulled out and for three years now, the field has lay fallow. It must be a wonderful environment for mice. We have never had the likes of what we have this year.

I hate rodents! Some people think mice are cute. Apparently, these are people who don't mind stinking little mouse turds all over everything. The mice are too numerous to trap this year so we had to resort to D-Con. Supposedly, D-Con has an ingredient that immediatly dries up the mouse so it doesn't smell. That is a bunch of hogwash. We have spent the summer tracking down godawful dead mouse smells.

The other day, I was sitting on our bed and happened to notice one dead in a pair of very nice sandals I have only worn once. He was quite fresh so I thought I would be okay. I have cloroxed them twice, used fabreeze and sneaker spray. I can still smell that odor.

One year when we just had a few mice, one of our friends suggested those sticky traps. I immediately caught a mouse. The poor thing didn't die. I tried to pull it off the trap and pulled one of the feet off. What kind of cruel person could use those things. When I asked the friend, she said I was supposed to push the mousie head down into the sticky stuff so it would smother. Yuck! Back to the D-Con. At least I don't have to watch them die.

We have a ghekko in the house right now. I like those little devils. They eat spiders and you can never find any poopies. I will put him back outside if I can catch him without pulling off his tail. My husband did that last year and when I caught him again, it was quite interesting to see where it had grown back.

I think the worst thing we ever had was a whole summer of ants. They ruined food! They even got into the fridge. Sprays, traps; nothing worked. Later that fall, my daughter cleaned her closet which backs our main cupboard. Lo and Behold! There was her whole basket of Easter candy partially eaten by ants. You talk about an urge to kill!

Anyway, even though we have pests, I am a country girl and I guess I always will be.


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Caro said...

This post didn't go very well with my breakfast cereal. Yuck.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger WORKINGGIRL55 said...

Yeah, but it made a decent blog!

At 9:43 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Wish I could remember its name, but when I had ants I used this syrupy stuff that worked really well. They would take it bck to the nest and feed everybody else, too. Pretty soon, no more anties. Or uncles.


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