Friday, October 28, 2005


Well, it's finally the last work day of the week. I can remember when that was really exciting. Now all it means is that maybe Hubby and I can get rested enough to do it again next week. Getting older absolutely, positively, SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

I think the big whoop for this weekend is finishing the walnuts. Of course, this means picking them up only. We still have the cracking, shelling, washing and microwaving to do so they'll be all nice and pretty to send for Christmas.

When we moved to our house, it had two walnut trees. Almost every year when they came to shake the tree, it would be the first weekend of bowhunting season and Hubby would be gone. Of course he didn't mind picking them up. I usually did it!

Then the neighbor across the road told Hubby that his trees produced enough to pay his property taxes and my husband planted eight more trees. Luckily, they are not all in production yet. We don't have enough to sell but we do have enough to make evening work for a couple of months. Oh, the fun!

Christmas is just around the corner. My younger daughter in the Northern part of State is great about making her kids do their lists early. My older daughter's boys procrastinate. The list comes about the second week of December and they have changed their mind by Christmas. I have returned gifts on the day before Christmas Eve. This year I am slightly handicapped. My girl up north says she doesn't mind shopping for her family which would be wonderful. I know the kid down here will be horribly stressed if I ask her to do that. It seems I spend most of my life on a guilt trip.

I don't know what's with the italics. It just happens. I'm sure I press some button that I don't know I'm pressing. What a dolt!

Well, the boss just interrupted and asked me to do something for him. How rude!

Just kidding! He's a sweetheart. Talk to you later.


At 5:36 PM, Blogger Caro said...

I certainly don't mind shopping for the kids because I keep half of it for myself. Muahahahahaha!

At 8:41 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Geez. That is A LOT of walnuts. Big chore for you.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Caro said...

I think pressing ctrl i makes the italics turn on and off. My word verification is puccee. That's just rude!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, touching ctrl i makes italics.

I don't mind shopping... it's going to be easy this year, lol.

Oh, what do you think of this one: FUCSOTFBC ???

It's not a word verification, it's the label to our church clipboard for the play! The girl that made it did not realize it until she brought it to the theatre and everyone started laughing...

the... *takes deep breath*
First United Congregational Shepherd Of The Flock Baptistical Church



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