Thursday, October 20, 2005


I'm sorry I haven't blogged this week. Working full time, doing physical therapy and trying to get back into helping with some of the household chores are leaving me exhausted and barely able to move at night.

On a brighter note, I am getting stronger and my youngest daughter and Grandkids are coming down this weekend. These grandkids are J who is fifteen, A who is six and S who is only two.
J was one of those infants and kids who are just easy. A is a little stubborn says her Mom (they are all perfect to me.) but I swear she started talking at six months and has never shut up since. She has always used big words and understood them! You do have to tune her out just a little after awhile. She's a good kid, though. S never, ever slows down. He is very smart but his pace is just short of the Indy 500 cars. His home is pretty much childproof, but when he visits me, we put on cupboard locks and child gates because he is fast!

Saturday, we all are going to my older daughter's youngest son's Birthday party. She has two kids. Z who is 12, and N who is 6 (the honoree). There will be a jump house, bean bag toss and a myriad of other crap that kids love. I will enjoy being there but I am almost tired thinking about it.

Just the same, what could be better than family. Those of you who still have kids at home, will not believe how times goes by so much quicker as you get older. You've heard it before-Enjoy them while you can.

Anyway, I should have some good blogger fodder by Sunday.


At 7:23 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Few things are as good as ratting out the grandkids. Go for it.


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