Doesn't this seem like a curious thing to do? At first I just wanted to comment on my daughter's site but when I started to read how funny hers was, I wanted to try my hand also. The other blog I really enjoy is OLHOSSTAILSNAKE. There is no better feeling in the world than making people laugh.
I've have also found that by talking about the abusive alcholic that I was married to for twelve years have been cathargic. I didn't want to hurt the kids until finally they told me that the Ex was fair game. Presto! I have a subject.
You know the worst thing about being married to people who blame you for everything is that after awhile you believe them. It takes a very long time after the divorce to get back any sense of self worth. You don't open your mouth because you know you're stupid. You don't smile or try to look good because you know you are fat and homely. At least, I have the advantage of being an adult at the time. I don't think kids ever actually fully recover when they grow to adulthood.
I knew if I stayed with my husband, he would eventually kill me. His violence has escalated to that point. I think all abused women should hear just one message. Get away from the bastard now. The stupid things we tell ourselves are amazing: he only hits me, the kids would miss their father, everyone deserves another chance, etc. They are all only stupid words! There are many more shelters to go to now and get away.
Oh Yeah! I forgot the biggest excuse of all. I am ashamed and I don't want anyone to know. I have news. WHEN I LEFT, EVERYONE ALREADY KNEW. Do we think our friends and family are blind?
Anyway, I didn't mean to get off on a tangent. My next posting will be a corker and very funny.
GOOD FOR YOU!!! (That's as loud as I can shout on the Internet.)
And you have noble aspirations. Funny is the best. Well, right after godliness and cleanliness, I guess.
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