Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Well, I'm back from vacation. I was able to get both girls on the phone yesterday to make sure they were okay. I'm somewhat of a worry wart.

I slept well on vacation except for one night. Last night in my own home was right back to normal. I lay down. I start worrying about work or kids. Last night it was work. It is so frustrating to want to sleep when visions of all the things you have to do and remember for work start churning around in the brain. You'd think, after twenty-four years, that my job would be somewhat by rote but that has never happened.

The day I was leaving for vacation, I finally got my auditor's adjusting entries. I posted them and closed year end. Last year the auditor had four adjusting entries and told the Board that when he was down to none, they should probably find a new auditor (that speaks well of my bookkeeping). This year, he had three pages so I guess we should be fine. All in all, though, considering I worked from home; I am very happy.

Well, time to get back to work.


At 7:25 AM, Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Bev: I don't get this accounting biz. Normally it would seem you wouldn't want any adjustments, but you think they're okay. Can you explain, so I can be happy too?

At 12:04 PM, Blogger WORKINGGIRL55 said...

You don't really want an auditor to have a lot of adjustments. That means you've done a kind of a half assed job. When you get down to the auditor only being able to find a couple of things he can change, though, it can also mean you should hire a new auditor to look in different areas. We have a small accounting staff (3) so internal control is an issue.

A yearly audit sucks but the feeling you get from having your accountant tell the Board that your records are in good order and your accounting staff has done a good job is a great feeling.

Thanks for asking.


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